One warm day in May 1984, Venky Harinarayan sat down to take the entrance exam IIT-JEE to the school of his dreams.Although he had ranked first in his high school class and had studied for nearly a year to prepare for this test, as soon as he opened his exam book, he began to sweat.All the years as a curve-busting computer whiz kid seemed to lead up to this moment.He only needed to score 50 out of 100 points to guarantee his admission. But suddenly this seemingly lax criterion appeared all but impossible.
His eyes sifted through a litany of seemingly impregnable questions –about Bernoulli’s principle, Doppler’s effect, Lorentz`s forces, ionic equilibrium and combinatronics-things that would never appear on SAT in a million years.Nothing in his life had prepared him for this.
“It was extremely stressful. I just looked at the thing and not even a single question made sense to me. I thought,’ Boy, I’m going to flunk this thing,” recalls Venky.
But like every other fear-wracked student taking the exam across India, Venky knew his future rested on this grueling 3-part mental torture course better known as IIT-JEE !!
He knew he had to beat out tens of thousands of eager high school students.
Despite feeling at a complete loss, he managed to navigate his way through the arcane. And six hours later, he had nailed the spot I the arguably most competitive, influential undergraduate school in the world, the Indian Institute of Technology. Not only did Venky pass the exam, he placed an astounding 40th in the country. With this ranking, he got a coveted spot as a computer science major at the IIT campus in Madras.
Flash forward to the summer of 1998 when had purchased an e-commerce software company named Junglee for $180 million.
That day, Venky Harinarayan, along with four other Junglee co-founders (also IIT Graduates), became an overnight multi-millionaire!!!
The Indian Institutes of Technology are a group of seven autonomous engineering and technology oriented institutes of higher education established and declared as Institutes of National Importance by the Government of India.
IITians have achieved success in a variety of professions, resulting in the establishment of the widely recognized Brand IIT.
“ IIT and Microsoft do have a lot in common, an optimism about the future, a belief that fundamental science will let us solve some of the toughest problems that mankind faces, a belief that we can provide better tools than ever before and that we’ve really just scratched the surface.” ,states Bill Gates, the co-founder and chairman of Microsoft.
IIT is a dream of thousand of students out there, but to turn this dream into reality calls for rigorous preparation and strong determination.
The determination and focus of the student is something that only he can take care of but as far as the right preparation is concerned, there is always professional help which a student can go for.This is the reason that coaching classes in India are gaining such a great momentum and every IIT aspirant considers taking professional coaching classes a necessity. Miracles happen. You just need to have the right attitude and preparation to make it happen! To get a step closer to realizing your dreams of getting into IIT click just don't think any more just go for it.
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