Sunday, April 13, 2008

Say NO to Reservations!

By uphelding reservations in Institutes of National Importance like IIT's , the Government of our Country is commiting an unpardonable sin. It is blatantly destroying the very future of our country. After refusing autonomy to IIT's , the Govt. now wants to gather votes by sacrificing our dreams on the altar of politics. The Current Government does not even hesitate to mention that it supports reservations for Creamy Layers too.
How can those incompetent ministers sitting in their air conditioned offices decide our fate? Do they understand the amount of pain and hard work that we have to undergo to realize the IIT Dream? We truly feel like we are running a marathon race in which some people are allowed to use cars.Why do these ministers, mostly semi-educated themselves implement their silly ideas and get away with it? Can they assure us that all OBC's are poor and backward? Why not reserve seats for the economically unprivileged but deserving candidates instead? Votes? Money? [A recent report stated that a politician working for the so called upliftment of dalits earns as much as PepsiCo CEO Indira Nooyi .Have we forgotten the price Rajeev Goswami had to pay for protesting against reservations? We must protest against this discrimination. Remaining silent will do us no good.I want to share with you some great articles I found on the web on reservations.I am also linking to a blog against reservations. Please view them. Let us unite for a new India, a better India.

Voice against Reservations.

View the first Article.
View the Second Article!

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