Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Download Thomas and Finney's Calculus.

Book Description
Textbook presents a modern view of calculus enhanced by the use of technology. Revised and updated edition includes examples and discussions that encourage students to think visually and numerically.This book comes highly recommended for IIT Aspirants. It has earned the title of "Calculus for Dummies" !


Note: Users are informed that the size of this download is big [about 70.00 MB]. Users on a dial-up connection can request for different chapters to be uploaded separately.

Coming up Next: Shortcuts to problem solving in Physics.


  1. i have an unstable internet connection so every time i tried to download it , download get paused after few or lagre downloading because its download is not resumable ..... so please sir , can u send it(thomas n finey's calculas) to me at my email address
    ..thank you very much in anticipation..
    (my email address is

  2. The download is resumable my friend, if you are using a download manager. I am on a slow connection too so I cant send it to you through e-mail.
    Tell me if you want a free download manager.

  3. Thank you for putting an online version of this classical text.

    I managed to download the book but could not find a file (within the rar) for contents and index. It starts directly at chapter 1 and end before the index.

    Without the contents and index, I am lost on which chapter's file to open for a particular topic.

    Any help?

  4. sir

    thanks so much for posting the hightly useful material in ur blog..thanks tons

    but sir as u have written there "Shortcuts to problem solving Physics" " i just want to know that have u posted that content or not??

    because i need that urgent

    thanks so much

    plz post that
