Studying in IIT is the dream of every student who aims to become an engineer. IIT has produced some of the best engineers of the country who are holding top and responsible positions globally. The entrance exam of IIT ie: IIT-JEE is deemed as one of the toughest engineering entrance exam in India. For the preparation of IIT-JEE, you have to clear and enhance your concepts. All you have to do is to go through more and more concepts and finally to plan and work is a winning strategy.
Planning is very necessary to crack IIT-JEE or any other competitive exam. It is never too early to begin the preparations for any competitive exam. You can begin as early as in class 10th or even before that if you are much focused. If you were not so keen at class 10th, after class 12th also you can channelise all your energy towards the preparations of the IIT-JEE. Given here, is some strategy and planning that you can follow to be successful in IIT-JEE.
Clear your basic concepts:
To begin with, know that all IIT aspirants at whichever stage they are in (either class 10th or above) should first clear their basic concepts. The IIT entrance exam syllabus consists of three sections - physics, chemistry and mathematics mostly from the class 11th and 12th syllabus. During the preparation for IIT your basic concepts in each of these subjects (PCM) should be clear and in this class 11th and 12th syllabus will be your guide.
If you are in class 10th
NCERT Syllabus:
Initially you should simply concentrate on basic NCERT syllabus of class 11th and 12th. NCERT books are very good for basic concept building. You can easily finish the entire class 11th and 12th syllabus in eight to nine months, if you study sincerely. While you are studying NCERT books, practice Multiple Choice Questions from any popular private publication books in each of the three subjects.
Once you are through with the NCERT books of 11th and 12th (means your basic concepts are also thoroughly clear). Self-assessment is the next step. You should now solve few sample papers of IIT published regularly in different competition magazines. You may use some good question banks or guidebooks to solve plenty of questions from each chapter in each subject. This will help you to assess your level of knowledge and problem solving skills in different chapters.
Based on your performance in such papers you will know your strengths and weaknesses. This would also help in deciding the topics in which you need extra effort. By the time you reach class 12th, your preparation for the IIT JEE will be completed. For this you may not need to join any coaching, though personal guidance or tuitions may prove helpful.
Focus on problem solving skills:
To remain focused you may join any reputed coaching institute in class 12th where you will be made to do regular problem solving. This will further sharpen your problem solving skills. Learning the skills of problem solving is important. Questions and problems in science especially physics and mathematics contain factual, conceptual, theoretical and numerical ingredients all in one. And this makes solving them tough for the beginners. There is no universal technique that can solve all problems, as different problems require different methods and approaches for solution. Below are the some steps, which help in problem solving especially in Physics and Mathematics:
Read the Question carefully
Identify what is being asked
Make a list of known and unknown things in the question
Note carefully the information given
Make a neat diagram to aid your thinking & that describes the problem clearly
Now make an estimate of the final solution through logical reasoning or thinking.
At the end when you actually get the answer by solving the problem then you can check the truthfulness of your answer by comparing it with your estimate.
If you have passed class 12th :
Though there can be no one strategy or planning applicable to all students preparing for IIT JEE but you can certainly take help or guidance from this.
Clear your class 11th & 12th theory & concepts:
First step is again to revise and clear your theory and concepts of the entire 11th and 12th syllabus in each of the three subjects. This should be completed in one-month time as you have already cleared your 12th board exam. Follow the NCERT books. Solve all the questions contained in them while revising the theory. Note your weaknesses and strong points. Start working on your weak points in each subjects and topics. You can take help of good personal tutor who can guide you on your weak points.
Once thorough with class 11th & 12th theory & concepts, you should start solving entrance type questions in each subject from some good IIT-JEE guide or other suitable study materials. Study those topics in which your already gained knowledge is not proving enough to solve all questions. Get your fundamentals clear in them.For developing problem solving skills you can follow the same steps given above.
Solve questions cyclically:
In any subject you should select a chapter and solve some questions from it. Then move on to next chapter. Solve questions from that chapter too. Then move to next chapter... and so on. In this way you will solve questions of all the chapters in that subject. After this you should again return to the first chapter and follow the same sequence of moving from one chapter to other until you solve all the chapters again. In this way keep solving questions from all chapters in each subject periodically.This will help you in revising each chapter periodically. You can make a timetable on your calendar and work accordingly. Every topic in each subject must be revised at least once every month.
Model question Papers/Test Series:
To further strengthen your preparations solve model question papers in each subject. Focus extra on topics you find difficulty in solving their questions. You can also join the test series of any good coaching for more practice.If followed diligently you will certainly be able to make to IIT JEE and other engineering entrance exams like AIEEE and BITS-Pilani entrance etc. In IIT-JEE you need to have strong foundation each subject to get through. So read textbooks regularly and repeatedly and make your study plan according to your study style and convenience.
Some Tips for IIT-JEE :
You are advised not to study any new topic when little time is left for exam.
Focus on revision of what you already know
Take a few mock tests to make sure you follow the same time schedule as the real IIT-JEE's three hours drill.
Go through past years questions
Avoid solving a whole lot of problems at this stage
Relax, have good sleep, eat healthy, be calm and confident
The question paper of IIT-JEE is such that no one can attempt the complete paper. So, one of the most important tip is to scan the question paper. Once the question paper is in hand, spend five minutes over it to select questions, which you think are easy, attemptable, and also for which you have the confidence that you can attempt these questions quickly. This approach is better than going in order one by one. So, it advisable to select and attempt easy questions first.Best of Luck!
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