Friday, July 31, 2009

Preparation Tips for 12th pass students

I have seen that many students prepare for IIT-JEE after passing their 12th board exam.They take a one year break from their normal academic studies ( some of them don't even take admission in college) to prepare for this prestigious entrance exam.But soon they face a dilemma.They do not understand that how they should plan their preparation.Some of them get so confused regarding their preparation plan for IIT-JEE that they start feeling frustrated.Negative thoughts begin to crop up in their mind every now and then.And it is not un-usual.They have taken a risk by keeping away from regular academic studies for one year just to prepare for the IIT-JEE. And the confusion created in their mind regarding an ideal preparation methodology make them sceptical about their own capabilities. And they feel unable to understand that what they should do to propel them selves to the fast track preparation for IIT-JEE by removing all the mental confusion.

I am writing this article to help such students.

See, there can not be one plan that is suitable for all students.So what I am writing below is not meant to be followed blindly. You read it. Take some hint from it.Then you formulate your own plan that suits your style of study and life.

Since you have already passed 12th and you intend to prepare for IIT-JEE, I think you are a fairly good student.So now you should spend one month to revise the theory and concepts of the entire 11th and 12th syllabus in each subject.Solve all the questions contained in your NCERT book while revising the theory. Note down all the weak areas.Then with the help of able teachers you should study those weak topics again. Take personal tuition if necessary.

After this, your confidence will get strengthened because you will know in your heart that you have the knowledge of the entire syllabus in each subject.And now you should start solving entrance type questions in each subject from some good IIT-JEE guide or other suitable study material.You should study extra concepts in those topics in which your already gained knowledge is not proving enough to solve all questions.

Solve questions from different chapters cyclically, that is, in any subject you should select a chapter and solve some questions from it.Then you should move to next chapter.Solve questions from that chapter too.Then move to next chapter... and so on. In this way you will solve questions of all the chapters in that subject.After this you should again return to the first chapter and follow the same sequence of moving from one chapter to other until you solve all the chapters again.Then again you should start a new cycle of question solving.In this way keep solving questions from all chapters in each subject periodically.

During this phase of your preparation you should keep revising the concepts and theory of different topics in each subject periodically.I will suggest, you should make a plan on a calender in which you can write the schedule of your revision.Every topic in each subject must be revised at least once every month.

Soon you will get filled with confidence.Your mind will be full of positive thoughts.To further strengthen your preparation you can solve MODEL QUESTION PAPERS in each subject.Study extra in those topics whose questions you find difficult to solve in these Model Question Papers.You can also join the test series of some good coaching for more practice.

Keep working in this way until the day of IIT-JEE.You should also appear in other exams like AIEEE, BITS-Pilani Entrance, DCE entrance...etc.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

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Why Setting Big Goals for Yourself is the First Key Step towards Your Mega Success?

Suppose there is a salesperson. He gets up in the morning thinking he may earn up to Rs 50 for his hard word that day. Even if he achieves his goal, this small money will not get him many of the material comforts he may want. Suppose he knows that he may earn up to Rs 500 or even Rs 5,000 for his hard work that day. In which of the two situations do you think the person will be more motivated and more effective? Of course, the situation giving him more money.

Similarly if one student's goal is to just pass and other student's goal is to get a first division (and may be a rank). Who do you think will be able concentrate better in the class? Who will be more effective? Who will learn better? If their intelligence and other factors are the same, then the student with higher goal will learn more efficiently.

Remember whether a student passes or fails in an exam, he spends the same time in school.

So set a high goal. It does not have to be being first in the class or being first the country, because that may not be necessary or even useful. Make your goal like success in your competitive exametc. which leads to some big gain for you.

Just because you set higher goal does not mean that you have to spend more hours studying. You can still study only as many hours as you want to. And while you study, put 100% effort.

You and Only You Know

You and only you know fully what you and your parents/family will gain if you get success and only you know what you and your parents/family will lose if you don't get success.

So, it is up to only you to decide now to start today because the sooner you start it, the sooner you benefit.

Do not delay. Do not wait.

My best wishes,

--Sarbajit Pal

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Studying in IIT is the dream of every student who aims to become an engineer. IIT has produced some of the best engineers of the country who are holding top and responsible positions globally. The entrance exam of IIT ie: IIT-JEE is deemed as one of the toughest engineering entrance exam in India. For the preparation of IIT-JEE, you have to clear and enhance your concepts. All you have to do is to go through more and more concepts and finally to plan and work is a winning strategy.


Planning is very necessary to crack IIT-JEE or any other competitive exam. It is never too early to begin the preparations for any competitive exam. You can begin as early as in class 10th or even before that if you are much focused. If you were not so keen at class 10th, after class 12th also you can channelise all your energy towards the preparations of the IIT-JEE. Given here, is some strategy and planning that you can follow to be successful in IIT-JEE.

Clear your basic concepts:

To begin with, know that all IIT aspirants at whichever stage they are in (either class 10th or above) should first clear their basic concepts. The IIT entrance exam syllabus consists of three sections - physics, chemistry and mathematics mostly from the class 11th and 12th syllabus. During the preparation for IIT your basic concepts in each of these subjects (PCM) should be clear and in this class 11th and 12th syllabus will be your guide.

If you are in class 10th

NCERT Syllabus:

Initially you should simply concentrate on basic NCERT syllabus of class 11th and 12th. NCERT books are very good for basic concept building. You can easily finish the entire class 11th and 12th syllabus in eight to nine months, if you study sincerely. While you are studying NCERT books, practice Multiple Choice Questions from any popular private publication books in each of the three subjects.


Once you are through with the NCERT books of 11th and 12th (means your basic concepts are also thoroughly clear). Self-assessment is the next step. You should now solve few sample papers of IIT published regularly in different competition magazines. You may use some good question banks or guidebooks to solve plenty of questions from each chapter in each subject. This will help you to assess your level of knowledge and problem solving skills in different chapters.

Based on your performance in such papers you will know your strengths and weaknesses. This would also help in deciding the topics in which you need extra effort. By the time you reach class 12th, your preparation for the IIT JEE will be completed. For this you may not need to join any coaching, though personal guidance or tuitions may prove helpful.

Focus on problem solving skills:

To remain focused you may join any reputed coaching institute in class 12th where you will be made to do regular problem solving. This will further sharpen your problem solving skills. Learning the skills of problem solving is important. Questions and problems in science especially physics and mathematics contain factual, conceptual, theoretical and numerical ingredients all in one. And this makes solving them tough for the beginners. There is no universal technique that can solve all problems, as different problems require different methods and approaches for solution. Below are the some steps, which help in problem solving especially in Physics and Mathematics:
Read the Question carefully
Identify what is being asked
Make a list of known and unknown things in the question
Note carefully the information given
Make a neat diagram to aid your thinking & that describes the problem clearly
Now make an estimate of the final solution through logical reasoning or thinking

At the end when you actually get the answer by solving the problem then you can check the truthfulness of your answer by comparing it with your estimate.
If you have passed class 12th :

Though there can be no one strategy or planning applicable to all students preparing for IIT JEE but you can certainly take help or guidance from this.

Clear your class 11th & 12th theory & concepts:

First step is again to revise and clear your theory and concepts of the entire 11th and 12th syllabus in each of the three subjects. This should be completed in one-month time as you have already cleared your 12th board exam. Follow the NCERT books. Solve all the questions contained in them while revising the theory. Note your weaknesses and strong points. Start working on your weak points in each subjects and topics. You can take help of good personal tutor who can guide you on your weak points.

Problem Solving:

Once thorough with class 11th & 12th theory & concepts, you should start solving entrance type questions in each subject from some good IIT-JEE guide or other suitable study materials. Study those topics in which your already gained knowledge is not proving enough to solve all questions. Get your fundamentals clear in them.For developing problem solving skills you can follow the same steps given above.

Solve questions cyclically:

In any subject you should select a chapter and solve some questions from it. Then move on to next chapter. Solve questions from that chapter too. Then move to next chapter... and so on. In this way you will solve questions of all the chapters in that subject. After this you should again return to the first chapter and follow the same sequence of moving from one chapter to other until you solve all the chapters again. In this way keep solving questions from all chapters in each subject periodically.This will help you in revising each chapter periodically. You can make a timetable on your calendar and work accordingly. Every topic in each subject must be revised at least once every month.

Model question Papers/Test Series:

To further strengthen your preparations solve model question papers in each subject. Focus extra on topics you find difficulty in solving their questions. You can also join the test series of any good coaching for more practice.If followed diligently you will certainly be able to make to IIT JEE and other engineering entrance exams like AIEEE and BITS-Pilani entrance etc. In IIT-JEE you need to have strong foundation each subject to get through. So read textbooks regularly and repeatedly and make your study plan according to your study style and convenience.

Some Tips for IIT-JEE :

You are advised not to study any new topic when little time is left for exam.
Focus on revision of what you already know
Take a few mock tests to make sure you follow the same time schedule as the real IIT-JEE's three hours drill.
Go through past years questions
Avoid solving a whole lot of problems at this stage
Relax, have good sleep, eat healthy, be calm and confident
The question paper of IIT-JEE is such that no one can attempt the complete paper. So, one of the most important tip is to scan the question paper. Once the question paper is in hand, spend five minutes over it to select questions, which you think are easy, attemptable, and also for which you have the confidence that you can attempt these questions quickly. This approach is better than going in order one by one. So, it advisable to select and attempt easy questions first.Best of Luck!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Phone Conversation between IITian and IIT aspirant

Disclaimer:- The Following conversation is in Hindi and is available to download at the end of the article. Those who don’t understand Hindi can read the translation below. It’s the same.
You are in which IIT? Hemant Naval is doing Computer Science from IIT Bombay. Got an Air 24 in IITJEE 2007
How did you prepare for IITJEE? I did my coaching for JEE in Resonance, Jaipur.I immediately stated my preparation after 10th.I always followed Resonance Study material and Notes. If I had any difficulty in any chapter I referred other books which where recommended for JEE.
Which books you followed in PCM? These are the books which I followed...
Physics: HC Verma, Resnick Halliday Walker Chemistry: For organic I referred Morrison and Boyd (I loved that book due to its simplicity) Maths: Any book will do .(Recommended for jee prep)
And it’s always better to study NCERT also. It’s a very important especially for chemistry. Never loose your confidence. Whatever your marks, it’s alright. If your preparations are good then you don’t need to worry since it’s just one day that is being tested and anything can happen on that day. Be Confident, Remain Confident….
You can download the Full conversation between Sarbajit (IIT aspirant & author of IIT-DREAMS) and IIT rank 24th (IITian) from here. Credit goes to Manish( author of ENTRANCE CORNER) for translating it in english above... The Following Conversation is in Hindi.

Study At IIT & launch your own buisness

Losing sheen: Over 500 students say no to IIT

The Indian Institutes of Technology, where gaining admission is said to be more difficult than entering some of the Ivy League institutes, have had to go through the ignominy of a second round of allotment to fill up all their seats.

As many as 505 students, who got an opportunity to study in these premier technological institutes, did the unthinkable this year; they refused to study in an IIT.

The reasons varied from ‘‘not having confidence in the new IITs’’ to ‘‘getting allotments in not-so-popular streams’’, IIT officials said, adding that this experience might force HRD minister Kapil Sibal to do a rethink on his expansion plans for the IITs. Besides the seven old IITs (Kharagpur, Bombay, Delhi, Madras, Kanpur, Roorkee and Guwahati), eight more were added to the list over the last two years. IITs put up a second selection list to fill the 505 unfilled seats this week, said IIT-Guwahati director Gautam Barua. The second allotment was, however, not done centrally.

‘‘There were several parents who were not comfortable sending their kids to an IIT without a campus currently; few realised that all the old IITs, too, started from temporary campuses,’’ the head of one of the new IITs said. IIT-Bombay JEE-2009 chairman Amiya Kumar Pani explained: ‘‘Students who took admission were offered internal betterment before the second allotment took place.’’ So, if a student with a ranking of 1,104 in JEE-2009 did not take the seat allotted to him, another candidate with a lower ranking got his place (if he had opted for that subject in his preference form). IIT-Delhi JEE-2009 chairman R Chattopadhyay explained that several students moved up the ladder because of this. TOI, on June 25, wrote about how the IITs faced a similar problem filling up reserved category seats.

The institutes, therefore, were forced to transfer over 1,100 reserved-category seats to the one-year preparatory course after not finding enough qualified candidates in the reserved categories. The one-year prep course trains quota students to bring them upto the mark. But the case of these 505 unfilled seats came as a bigger surprise for the IITs as a majority of these students were from the open category (except a handful of cases in which some OBC candidates did not take admission).

‘‘All the students who have been shortlisted in the second list have been informed. They now need to reach the IIT where a seat has been allotted to them and pay the fees,’’ a JEE chairman said.

Info About NSTSE Examination

National Science Talent Search Examination

According to me every IIT-JEE Aspirants should appear for National Level Science Talent Search Examination because if you appear for NSTSE examination you will improve your competitive skill, which will be helpful for your IIT-JEE entrance.
Let’s take an overview about NSTSE

NSTSE is conducted by
UNIFIED COUNCIL which is located in Hyderabad , which is an autonomous educational body conducts examination at different level. UNIFIED COUNCIL conducts NSTSE examination every year in January month. Syllabus of NSTSE depends upon 10+2 science level syllabus of PCM.

How to Apply For NSTSE Examination

1. You can get free registration form by sending self address envelops with stamp of Rs.5 to the head office of UNIFIED COUNCIL.
Address is given below
Unified Council #16-11-16/1/B, Saleem Nagar, Malakpet, Hyderabad - 500036 Phone: 040-24557708, 24545862, 66139917Fax : 040-2454 2215

2. You can download application form from website of UNIFIED COUNCIL.

Download application form by clicking this link

Download prospectus of NSTSE by clicking link below

You can get list of examination centre by clicking on this link

NSTSE Examination Fees
Examination Fees for NSTSE is nominal, examination fee is Rs.100 and Rs.15 for Student Performance Report.
If any student wants previous question paper he/she can get it for Rs.40 for 3 question paper set.

Advantages for Appearing NSTSE

1. Improve your competitive skill
2. Measure your strength for IIT-JEE
3. Test yourself where you stand in competitive world.
4. Test your ranking at National Level

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Info About Olympaid Program

If IIT-JEE student participate in Olympiad program then it will more beneficial for IIT-JEE exam point of view. If we see bio data of IIT-JEE toppers(Check out Entrance Corner iit-toppers-secrets) we can observe that most of them have participated in such type of talent search examination.

A success in Olympiad program ensures a bright career in basic science education and research from prestigious institute like IIT, national laboratories and scientific organization.

Olympiad Program

Olympiad program are educational international competition where nations are sending their representative/student to represent their nations. From many years India is participating in Olympiad program. Olympiad program are held’s in many fields or subject like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc but at IIT-JEE exams point of view three Olympiad program are imported which are given below.

1.International Physics Olympiad

2.International Chemistry Olympiad

3.International Mathematic Olympiad.

Base of Olympiad program in India

There are many talent search examination in our country but one which most important according to Olympiad program point of view is KISHOR VAIGYNIC PROTSAHAN YOJANA (KVPY) of DST.

KVPY is aimed at senior secondary students as well as professional graduates having research aptitude.

National Standard Examination

NSE is the base of Olympiad program in India this National Standard Examination is conducted by DST under KISHOR VAIGYNIC PROTSAHAN YOJANA.

National Standard Examination are conducted in following subject

1.National Standard Examination for Physics.

2.National Standard Examination for Chemistry.

3.National Standard Examination For Mathematics.

National Standard Examination is conducted in November and last date of registration is September 15.

International Physics Olympiad

India Started participation in International Physics Olympiad since 1998. National Olympiad is conducted in last week of January or first week of February.

The national standard examination in physics (at standard 12 level) identifies about 200-300 candidates across the nation. These selected students appear for NATIONAL PHYSICS OLYMPAID (INPhO) test about a dozen centres in different parts of the country.

About 35 students are selected to receive NSEP-INPhO gold medal and they undergo three week long training at HOMI BHABHA CENTRE FOR ECIENCE EDUCATION, MUMBAI in may/June. Top 5 students among them identified to receive merit award at the end of training camp and to represent India in the International Physics Olympiad held in July every year.

International Chemistry Olympiad

The international chemistry Olympiad conducted since 1968. India starts participating in this event since 1999. Although India is late entrant to this event it hosted 33rd IChO.

The pattern of selection of IChO is same as IPhO. Candidates shortlisted from national standard examination of Chemistry go For Indian National Chemistry Olympiad after training shortlisted candidates go to represent India in International Chemistry Olympiad.

International Mathematic Olympiad

The International Mathematic Olympiad is undertaken by NATIONL BOARD OF HIGHER MATHEMATIC (NBHM), DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY (

The regional mathematic Olympiad (RMO) is held in each region normally between September and first Sunday of December each year all high school student up to class 12 are eligible for RMO.

On the basis of performance in RMO students are selected for Indian Nation Mathematic Olympiad (INMO). INMO is held on first Sunday of February each year at various centres in different region. The top 35 performer receive certificate of merit. The INMO certificate awardness is invited to a month long training camp in may/June, each year. The final team consisting of 5 exceptionally gifted students represent India at International Mathematic Olympiad held in July each year.

The international travels of Olympiad participant are sponsored by MHRD

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips

Welcome to World of Time Management

Welcome to World of
Time Management.

Hi i am here to discuss how to Manage your precious time.

For good prepration of IIT-JEE time management is important factor.

Time management is commonly defined as the various means by which people effectively use their time and other closely related resources in order to make the most out of it.

Advantages of
Time Management
1.gain time
2.motivates and initiates
3.reduces avoidance
4.promotes review
5.eliminates cramming
6.reduces anxiety

Keys to Successful
Time Management
Self knowledge and goals:

In order to manage your time successfully, having an awareness of what your goals are will assist you in prioritizing your activities.

2.Developing and maintaining a personal, flexible

To maintain your schedule for each work like for study, playing or whatever your hobbies. Do each work according to your schedule.

Time management provides you with the opportunity to create a schedule that works for you, not for others. This personal attention gives you the flexibility to include the things that are most important to you

Time Management Tips

1.Count all your time as time to be used and make every attempt to get satisfaction out of every moment.

2.Find something to enjoy in whatever you do.

3.Try to be an optimist and seek out the good in your life.

4.Find ways to build on your successes.

5.Stop regretting your failures and start learning from your mistakes.

6.Remind yourself, "There is always enough time for the important things." If it is important, you should be able to make
time to do it.

7.Continually look at ways of freeing up your time.

8.Examine your old habits and search for ways to change or eliminate them.

9.Try to use waiting time -review notes or do practice problems.

10.Keep paper or a calendar with you to jot down the things you have to do or notes to yourself.

11.Examine and revise your lifetime goals on a monthly basis and be sure to include progress towards those goals on a
daily basis.

12.Put up reminders in your home or office about your goals.

13.Always keep those long term goals in mind.

14.Plan your day each morning or the night before and set priorities for yourself.

15.Maintain and develop a list of specific things to be done each day, set your priorities and the get the most
important ones done as soon in the day as you can. Evaluate your progress at the end of the day briefly.

16.Look ahead in your month and try and anticipate what is going to happen so you can better schedule your time.

17.Try rewarding yourself when you get things done as you had planned, especially the important ones.

first things first.

19.Have confidence in yourself and in your judgement of priorities and stick to them no matter what.

20.When you catch yourself procrastinating-ask yourself, "What am I avoiding?"

21.Start with the most difficult parts of projects, then either the worst is done or you may find you don't have to do all the
other small tasks.

22.Catch yourself when you are involved in unproductive projects and stop as soon as you can.

23.Find time to concentrate on high priority items or activities.

24.Concentrate on one thing at a time.

25.Put your efforts in areas that provide long term benefits.

26.Push yourself and be persistent, especially when you know you are doing well.

27.Think on paper when possible-it makes it easier to review and revise.

28.Be sure and set deadlines for yourself whenever possible.

29.Delegate responsibilities whenever possible.

Hope this can solve most of your problems!