Friday, July 18, 2008

Physical Chemistry - Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula

With its modern emphasis on the molecular view of physical chemistry, its wealth of contemporary applications (in the new “Impact on” features), vivid full-color presentation, and dynamic new media tools, the thoroughly revised new edition is again the most modern, most effective full-length textbook available for the physical chemistry classroom. Atkins' text not only provides a great mathematical foundation to the equations that are used, but explains physically the events that lead to writing the equations. If you need to learn and understand central concepts of physical chemistry, you need look no farther then Atkins.
Atkin's text is the gold standard of the field, lovingly written and organized, text books simply don't get much better than this.

Instructors Solution Manual

Better Version for Users with higher Bandwidth

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


  1. Instructure Solution Mannual files of Atkins' Physical Chemistry is asking for Pass word while opening. Ccn some one provide the same?

  2. sorry about that
    password : TQNuser

  3. pls pls...can u upload both the files: the main book as well as the solutions manual on or
    my comp. seems to have some prob. and i can't download these books from rapidshare....thanx

  4. pls pls...can u upload both the files: the main book as well as the solutions manual on or
    my comp. seems to have some prob. and i can't download these books from rapidshare....thanx
