Wednesday, June 25, 2008

IIT-JEE Mechanics Questions! Test Yourself!

1.A IITJEE text book of mass M rests flat on a horizontal table of mass m placed on the ground.Let RX->Y be the constant force exerted by the body x on body Y.According to Newton third law,which of the following is an action-reaction pair of forces?

a. (M+m)g and Rtable->book
b. Rground->table and mg+Rbook->table
c. Rground->table and Rtable->ground
d Mg and Rtable->book

2. There are two statements
A Newtons first law in valid from the pilot in an aircraft which is taking off
B Newtons first law in valid from the observer in a train moving with constant velocity
Which of the following is correct

(a) A only
(b) B only
(c) Both A and B are correct
(d) Both A and B are wrong

3.The horizontal and vertical displacement of the projectile at time t are
where x and y are in meters and t in second.Intial velocity of the projectile in m/s
a. 15
c. 30
b. 45
d. 60

4.A truck accelerates from rest at the constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate of b to come to the rest.If the total time elapsed is t ,then find out the maximum velocity attains by the truck
a. (ab/a+b)t
c. (a2+b2/ab)t

5.A boy playing on the roof of a 10 m high building throws a ball with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the height of 10 m from the ground? take g = 10 m/s2
a. 5.20 m
b.4.33 m
c.2.60 m
d 8.66 m.

Multiple choice question with one or more answer

1. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the ground.The motion of body is defined as
where x and y are horizontal and vertical displacement respectivley at time t.Which one of the following is true
a.The trajectory of the body is a parabola
b The trajectory of the body is a straight line
c.the velocity vector at point t is 2i+4tj
d the acceleration vector at time t is 4j

2.Mark out the correct statement
a)Instantaneous Velocity vector is always in the direction of the motion
b)Instantaneous acceleration vector is always in the direction of the motion
c)Acceleration of the moving particle can change its direction with any change in direction of velocity
d) None of the above

Assertion and Reason
a) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is correct explanation for statement I
b) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I
c) Statement I is true,Statement II is false
d) Statement I is False,Statement II is True

1. STATEMENT1: The Average velocity of a continously moving particle may be zero for some time interval but average speed will not be zero
STATEMENT: Displacement of a continously moving particle can decrease with time but distance will not

2. STATEMENT1: Two bodies of mass m and M will reach ground in same time when fallen at same time from the tower of height h
STATEMENT1: Same Acceleration due to gravity is experienced by the both body in fall from tower

3.STATEMENT1:In a projectile motion,acceleration vector is Perpendicular to Velocity vector at the highest point
STATEMENT:There is no horizontal acceleration present in the projectile motion

Matrix match type

In a free fall motion from rest,Match column I to column II
column I
A) Graph between displacement and time
B) Graph between velocity and time
C) Graph between velocity and displacement
D) Graph between KE and displacement

column II
P) Parabola
Q) Straight line
C) Circle
D) No appropiate match given

Linked Comphrehension type

.A train is moving in the west direction with a velocity 15m/s.A monkey runs on the roof of the train against its motion with a velocity 5m/s with respect to train .Take the motion along west as positive
1.Velocity of train relative to its driver
a. 0
b. 15 m/s
c. -15 m/s
d. 20 m/s

2. What is the velocty of train with respect to monkey?
a. 5m/s
b -5 m/s
c. 15 m/s
d -15 m/s

3. Find the velocty of ground with respect to monkey.
a. 5 m/s
b. -5 m/s
c. 10 m/s
d. -10 m/s


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