Q1. I passed 10+2 examination in 2007 and also qualified in JEE-2007. I took admission in one of the IITs/IT-BHU/ISM, Dhanbad by paying full fees but did not join the program. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No
Q2. I passed 10+2 examination in 2007 and also qualified in JEE-2007. I appeared for counselling for JEE-2007 and was offered admission in one of the IITs/IT-BHU/ISM, Dhanbad, but did not pay full fees at the institute where I was offered admission and did not join the program. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008 and if so how shall I fill up the application form?
Ans: Yes, you are eligible. You should darken the box corresponding to NO in section 4 of the application form, entitled, HAVE YOU JOINED ANY IIT, IT-BHU, ISM.
Q3. I passed 10+2 examination in 2007 with 50% marks. I took JEE-2007 and did not qualify. I will be appearing for a re-examination in the year 2008 so that I can improve the percentage of aggregate marks to 60% or more. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008 and if so how shall I fill up the application form?
Ans: Yes you are eligible. You should darken the box corresponding to 2008 in section 13 of the application form entitled, YEAR OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT and leave entry to section 14 of the application form, entitled, PERCENTAGE OF MARKS IN 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT blank.
Q4. I passed 10+2 examination in 2007 with 50% marks. I did not write JEE-2007. I will be appearing for a re-examination in the year 2008 so that I can improve the percentage of aggregate marks to 60% or more. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008 and if so how shall I fill up the application form?
Ans: Yes, you are eligible. You should darken the box corresponding to the year 2008 in section 13 of the application form entitled, YEAR OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT and leave entry to the section 14, entitled, PERCENTAGE OF MARKS IN 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT blank.
Q5. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got 50% marks. I did not write JEE-2006. I appeared for a re-examination for 10+2 in the year 2007 and obtained aggregate mark which made me eligible to attempt JEE. I took JEE-2007 but could not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008 and if so how shall I fill up the application form?
Ans: Yes, you are eligible. You should darken the box corresponding to the year 2007 in section 13 of the application form, entitled, YEAR OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT and enter the percentage of marks that you obtained in the year 2007 in the section 14, entitled, PERCENTAGE OF MARKS IN 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT.
Q6. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got 60% marks. I took both JEE-2006 and JEE-2007 but did not qualify either of them. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q7. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got 60% marks. I took JEE-2006 and did not qualify. I did not attempt JEE-2007. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q8. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got 60% marks. I did not attempt JEE-2006. I took JEE-2007 and did not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q9. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got 60% marks. I did not attempt JEE-2006 and JEE-2007. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q10. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got less than 60% marks in the aggregate. I wrote JEE-2006 but did not qualify. I took 10+2 examination in 2007 and got more than 60% marks in the aggregate. I took JEE-2007 but did not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q11. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and got less than 60% marks in the aggregate. I wrote JEE-2006 but did not qualify. I took 10+2 examination in 2007 and got more than 60% marks in the aggregate. I did not write JEE-2007. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q12. I appeared for 10+2 examination in 2006 and failed. I qualified JEE-2006 but my admission was cancelled. I appeared in 10+2 examination again in 2007 and got more than 60% marks in the aggregate. I wrote JEE-2007 but could not qualify. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008?
Ans: No.
Q13. My qualifying examination was conducted in 2006, and the results were announced in 2007. I did not attempt JEE-2006 and JEE 2007. Am I eligible to write JEE-2008 and if so, how shall I fill up the application form?
Ans: Yes, you are eligible.You should darken the box corresponding to the year 2007 in section 13 of the application form, entitled, YEAR OF QUALIFYING EXAMINATION 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT and enter the percentage of marks that you obtained in the year 2007 in the section 14, entitled, PERCENTAGE OF MARKS IN 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT.
Q14. I passed 10+2 exam in 2007 and wrote JEE 2007. I was admitted to the Preparatory Course of an IIT/IT-BHU/ISM in July 2007 and am due to appear in the Preparatory Exams in 2008. I wish to appear for JEE 2008. Am I eligible?
Ans: Yes, you are eligible to appear since admission to preparatory course does not imply that you have joined any IIT/IT-BHU/ISMU, Dhanbad. However, it may be noted that you will not be eligible to undergo the Preparatory course at any of the above Institutes on the basis of JEE-2008.
Q15. I fall under NRI/PIO/OCI/ foreign national. Does JEE give me any special treatment for admission?
Ans: All candidates must first qualify in the JEE. The seats allotted to PIO/OCI/Foreign nationals will be treated as supernumerary.
Q16. I am listed in the extended merit list. What does this mean?
Ans: Extended merit list is drawn up after making some relaxation in aggregate marks and is used by other institutions for admission to their programs. Please visit IIT web sites for knowing the names of the institutions which will be using this merit list. Candidates in the extended merit list are not qualified for admission to IIT’s, IT-BHU, Varanasi and ISMU Dhanbad
Q17. I will be appearing in the qualifying examination in 2008 but my board normally declares the results only October of each year. Can I appear in JEE 2008?
Ans: You are advised to appear in JEE 2009 since if you qualify JEE, you will not be able to meet the admission requirements by the last date ie 30th September 2008.
Destination IIT is a blog created to help you provide information and help to secure admission into one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Featuring study material,study aids,interviews by IIT Toppers, this Webpage will offer you in depth information on all you want to know about IIT and techniques for acing JEE! If you want to be notified of site updates, you can choose to subscribe through a reader or through e-mail!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Organic Chemistry Online Learning Center

Here’s a top-notch companion site for an Organic Chemistry textbook by Francis Carey. The site is complete enough to be used on its own by a good teacher, or grab a used book or other free resource to fill in the gaps. Plenty of practice questions and tons of really useful graphics. The site requires the free chime plug-in to run properly. The chime plugin is a little confusing, for help click here. Highly Recommended!
Go to Organic Chemistry Online Learning Center.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Oxidizing Agents and Reducing Agents !

Did you always worry about oxidizing agents and their oxidative properties ? What different oxidizing agents oxidize which functional groups? Likewise which reducing agents reduce which groups and do not reduce what?
Learn the basics of oxidation, reduction and the agents that bring about them in a summarized tabular way!
Download Oxidizing Agents- A Summary
Download Reducing Agents - A Summary
Friday, June 27, 2008
Conceptual - Difference beetween Centrifugal Force and Centriprital force!
The centripetal force is the external force required to make a body follow a curved path. Hence centripetal force is a force requirement, not a particular kind of force, like gravity or electromagnetic force. Newton's description is found in the Principia.
Any force (gravitational, electromagnetic, etc.) (or combination of forces) can act to provide a centripetal force. An example for the case of uniform circular motion is shown in Figure 1.
Centripetal force is directed inward, toward the center of curvature of the path
Centripetal force should not be confused with centrifugal force. Centripetal force is a kinematic force requirement deduced from an observed trajectory, not a kinetic force like gravity or electrical forces. Centripetal force requirements may be deduced from a trajectory in any frame of reference (although the trajectory of an object and the deduced centripetal force will vary from one frame to another). Because centripetal force is a kinematic force requirement inferred from an established trajectory, it is not used to deduce a trajectory from a physical situation, and centripetal force is not included in the inventory of forces that are used in applying Newton's laws F = m a to calculate a trajectory.
Centrifugal force, on the other hand, is treated in a rotating frame as a kinetic force, that is, as part of the inventory of forces used in Newton's laws to predict motion. Centrifugal force is a fictitious force, however, that arises only when motion is described or experienced in a rotating reference frame, and it does not exist in an inertial frame of reference.
In classical mechanics, centrifugal force (from Latin centrum "center" and fugere "to flee") is an apparent force acting outward from the axis of a rotating reference frame. Centrifugal force is a fictitious force(also known as a pseudo force, inertial force or d'Alembert force) meaning that it is an artifact of acceleration of a reference frame. Unlike real forces such as gravitational or electromagnetic forces, fictitious forces do not originate from physical interactions between objects, and they do not appear in Newton's laws of motion for an inertial frame of reference; in an inertial frame, the motion of an object is explained by the real impressed forces. In a non-inertial frame, however, fictitious forces must be included along with the real forces in order to make accurate physical predictions. The fictitious forces present in a rotating reference frame with a uniform angular velocity are the centrifugal force and the Coriolis force, to which is added the Euler force when angular velocity is time dependent.
The centrifugal and Coriolis forces are called fictitious because they do not appear in an inertial frame of reference. Despite the name, fictitious forces are experienced as very real to those actually in a non-inertial frame. Fictitious forces also provide a convenient way to discuss dynamics within rotating environments, and can simplify explanations and mathematics.
An interesting exploration of the reality of centrifugal force is provided by artificial gravity introduced into a space station by rotation. Such a form of gravity does have things in common with ordinary gravity. For example, playing catch, the ball must be thrown upward to counteract "gravity". Cream will rise to the top of milk (if it is not homogenized). There are differences from ordinary gravity: one is the rapid change in "gravity" with distance from the center of rotation, which would be very noticeable unless the space station were very large. More disconcerting is the associated Coriolis force. These differences between artificial and real gravity can affect human health, and are a subject of study. In any event, the "fictitious" forces in this habitat would seem perfectly real to those living in the station. Although they could readily do experiments that would reveal the space station was rotating, inhabitants would find description of daily life remained more natural in terms of fictitious forces.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Conceptual Questions on Waves!
1. Transverse wave velocity in a stretched string depends on
a. frequency of wave
b. tension
c. length of string
d. linear mass density string
2. A transverse wave travels along the x axis.The particles of the medium must move
a. Along the z-axis
b Along the x-axis
c. In the Y-Z plane
d. Along the y axis
3.What is true for a standing wave on the string
a.All the particles are never at rest simultaneously
b. In one complete cycle,all the particles cross their mean position simultaneously twice
c. In one complete cycle,all the particles cross their mean position simultaneously once
d. All the particles acquire their positive extreme positions simultaneously once in a cycle
4.Choose the incorrect one
a. When a ultrasonic wave travels from air into water.It bends towards the normal to the air-water interface
b.Any function of the form y(x,t)=f(vt+x) represents a travelling wave
c.the velocity ,wavelenght and frequency of wave undergo change when it is reflected from a surface
d. None of the above
5.Match the following with the types of the wave
A) Thermal radiation received from the sun
B)Sound waves produced by the vibrating string of guitar
C) Radio waves sent out from broadcasting station
D)X Rays
E) Waves produced in the air by the vibrating tuning fork
P) longitudinal
Q) Transverse
6. Which of the following functions represent a travelling wave
a. y=pcos(qx)sin(rt)
b. y=psin(qx+rt)
c. y=psin(qx-rt)
d. none of the above
7. Which of the following is not a standing wave
a. y=pcos(qx)sin(rt)
b. y=psin(qx+rt)+psin(qx-rt)
c. y=psin(qx+rt)
d Non of the above
8. When a wave is refracted into another medium which of the following will change
a. Velocity
b. Frequency
c. Phase
d. Amplitude
9.A pipe closed at one end and open at other will give
a. All even harmonics
b, All odd harmonics
c. All the harmonics
d. None of the harmonics
10. To raise the pitch of a stringed musical instrument ,the player can
a. Lossen the string
b. Tighten the string
c. Shorten the string
d. Lengthen the string
Source: www.physicsgoeasy.blogspot.com
IIT-JEE Mechanics Questions! Test Yourself!
1.A IITJEE text book of mass M rests flat on a horizontal table of mass m placed on the ground.Let RX->Y be the constant force exerted by the body x on body Y.According to Newton third law,which of the following is an action-reaction pair of forces?
a. (M+m)g and Rtable->book
b. Rground->table and mg+Rbook->table
c. Rground->table and Rtable->ground
d Mg and Rtable->book
2. There are two statements
A Newtons first law in valid from the pilot in an aircraft which is taking off
B Newtons first law in valid from the observer in a train moving with constant velocity
Which of the following is correct
(a) A only
(b) B only
(c) Both A and B are correct
(d) Both A and B are wrong
3.The horizontal and vertical displacement of the projectile at time t are
where x and y are in meters and t in second.Intial velocity of the projectile in m/s
a. 15
c. 30
b. 45
d. 60
4.A truck accelerates from rest at the constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate of b to come to the rest.If the total time elapsed is t ,then find out the maximum velocity attains by the truck
a. (ab/a+b)t
c. (a2+b2/ab)t
5.A boy playing on the roof of a 10 m high building throws a ball with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the height of 10 m from the ground? take g = 10 m/s2
a. 5.20 m
b.4.33 m
c.2.60 m
d 8.66 m.
Multiple choice question with one or more answer
1. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the ground.The motion of body is defined as
where x and y are horizontal and vertical displacement respectivley at time t.Which one of the following is true
a.The trajectory of the body is a parabola
b The trajectory of the body is a straight line
c.the velocity vector at point t is 2i+4tj
d the acceleration vector at time t is 4j
2.Mark out the correct statement
a)Instantaneous Velocity vector is always in the direction of the motion
b)Instantaneous acceleration vector is always in the direction of the motion
c)Acceleration of the moving particle can change its direction with any change in direction of velocity
d) None of the above
Assertion and Reason
a) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is correct explanation for statement I
b) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I
c) Statement I is true,Statement II is false
d) Statement I is False,Statement II is True
1. STATEMENT1: The Average velocity of a continously moving particle may be zero for some time interval but average speed will not be zero
STATEMENT: Displacement of a continously moving particle can decrease with time but distance will not
2. STATEMENT1: Two bodies of mass m and M will reach ground in same time when fallen at same time from the tower of height h
STATEMENT1: Same Acceleration due to gravity is experienced by the both body in fall from tower
3.STATEMENT1:In a projectile motion,acceleration vector is Perpendicular to Velocity vector at the highest point
STATEMENT:There is no horizontal acceleration present in the projectile motion
Matrix match type
In a free fall motion from rest,Match column I to column II
column I
A) Graph between displacement and time
B) Graph between velocity and time
C) Graph between velocity and displacement
D) Graph between KE and displacement
column II
P) Parabola
Q) Straight line
C) Circle
D) No appropiate match given
Linked Comphrehension type
.A train is moving in the west direction with a velocity 15m/s.A monkey runs on the roof of the train against its motion with a velocity 5m/s with respect to train .Take the motion along west as positive
1.Velocity of train relative to its driver
a. 0
b. 15 m/s
c. -15 m/s
d. 20 m/s
2. What is the velocty of train with respect to monkey?
a. 5m/s
b -5 m/s
c. 15 m/s
d -15 m/s
3. Find the velocty of ground with respect to monkey.
a. 5 m/s
b. -5 m/s
c. 10 m/s
d. -10 m/s
Source: www.physicsgoeasy.blogspot.com
a. (M+m)g and Rtable->book
b. Rground->table and mg+Rbook->table
c. Rground->table and Rtable->ground
d Mg and Rtable->book
2. There are two statements
A Newtons first law in valid from the pilot in an aircraft which is taking off
B Newtons first law in valid from the observer in a train moving with constant velocity
Which of the following is correct
(a) A only
(b) B only
(c) Both A and B are correct
(d) Both A and B are wrong
3.The horizontal and vertical displacement of the projectile at time t are
where x and y are in meters and t in second.Intial velocity of the projectile in m/s
a. 15
c. 30
b. 45
d. 60
4.A truck accelerates from rest at the constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at a constant rate of b to come to the rest.If the total time elapsed is t ,then find out the maximum velocity attains by the truck
a. (ab/a+b)t
c. (a2+b2/ab)t
5.A boy playing on the roof of a 10 m high building throws a ball with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the height of 10 m from the ground? take g = 10 m/s2
a. 5.20 m
b.4.33 m
c.2.60 m
d 8.66 m.
Multiple choice question with one or more answer
1. A body is projected horizontally from a point above the ground.The motion of body is defined as
where x and y are horizontal and vertical displacement respectivley at time t.Which one of the following is true
a.The trajectory of the body is a parabola
b The trajectory of the body is a straight line
c.the velocity vector at point t is 2i+4tj
d the acceleration vector at time t is 4j
2.Mark out the correct statement
a)Instantaneous Velocity vector is always in the direction of the motion
b)Instantaneous acceleration vector is always in the direction of the motion
c)Acceleration of the moving particle can change its direction with any change in direction of velocity
d) None of the above
Assertion and Reason
a) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is correct explanation for statement I
b) Statement I is true ,statement II is true ,statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I
c) Statement I is true,Statement II is false
d) Statement I is False,Statement II is True
1. STATEMENT1: The Average velocity of a continously moving particle may be zero for some time interval but average speed will not be zero
STATEMENT: Displacement of a continously moving particle can decrease with time but distance will not
2. STATEMENT1: Two bodies of mass m and M will reach ground in same time when fallen at same time from the tower of height h
STATEMENT1: Same Acceleration due to gravity is experienced by the both body in fall from tower
3.STATEMENT1:In a projectile motion,acceleration vector is Perpendicular to Velocity vector at the highest point
STATEMENT:There is no horizontal acceleration present in the projectile motion
Matrix match type
In a free fall motion from rest,Match column I to column II
column I
A) Graph between displacement and time
B) Graph between velocity and time
C) Graph between velocity and displacement
D) Graph between KE and displacement
column II
P) Parabola
Q) Straight line
C) Circle
D) No appropiate match given
Linked Comphrehension type
.A train is moving in the west direction with a velocity 15m/s.A monkey runs on the roof of the train against its motion with a velocity 5m/s with respect to train .Take the motion along west as positive
1.Velocity of train relative to its driver
a. 0
b. 15 m/s
c. -15 m/s
d. 20 m/s
2. What is the velocty of train with respect to monkey?
a. 5m/s
b -5 m/s
c. 15 m/s
d -15 m/s
3. Find the velocty of ground with respect to monkey.
a. 5 m/s
b. -5 m/s
c. 10 m/s
d. -10 m/s
Source: www.physicsgoeasy.blogspot.com
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Kya aap Paanchvi Pass se tez hain?

Remember that show?
You thought you could do better then the guys they invite on the show! Well here's your golden opportunity ,IIT Aspirants to prove that you are indeed smarter than a paanchvi pass! What you have to do is download the document below and attempt the questions.
These questions are taken from a fifth standard child's textbook! Attempt them and then let me know how many you cracked the supposedly simple problems..
Dont laugh now, do it after you finish doing the problems!
If you liked this, dont forget to tell your friends about it! :)
Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass se tez hain?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Quadratic Equations - Tips and Tricks!

1. To solve equation of the form (x - a)^4 + (x-b)^4= A [or in general (x - a)^2n + (x-b)^2n ]put y = x - (a+b)/2 and simplify.
2. To solve equation of the form Af(x)^2n + Bf(x)^n + C = 0 put f(x)^n = y and solve Ay^2 + By + C = 0
3. An equation of the form f(x) x g(x) X h(x) X .... [f,g and h are quadratic expressions with different constant terms but same coefficients of x and x^2 ie: ax^2 + bx ] can be solved by putting ax^2 + bx = y
4. An equation of the form (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)(x-d) = Ax^2 where 'ab = cd' can be reduced to a product of two polynomials by putting y = x + ab/x
5. An equation of the form (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)(x-d) = A where 'a < b < c < d' , ' b-a = d-c' can be solved by putting y = x - 1/4 [a + b + c + d]
Note: ' ^ ' symbol implies raised to the power of ! Blogger does not accept [sub], [/sub] tags!
Thats all for now! Do rate it
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Top Ten Test-Taking Tips for Students
Here are the top ten tips to success!
1. Have a Positive Attitude
Approach the big test as you'd approach a giant jigsaw puzzle. It might be tough, but you can do it! A positive attitude goes a long way toward success.
2. Make a Plan
The week before the test, ask your teacher what the test is going to cover. Is it from the textbook only? Class notes? Can you use your calculator? If you've been absent, talk to friends about material you may have missed. Make a list of the most important topics to be covered and use that as a guide when you study. Circle items that you know will require extra time. Be sure to plan extra time to study the most challenging topics.
3. The Night Before
Cramming doesn't work. If you've followed a study plan, the night before the test you should do a quick review and get to bed early. Remember, your brain and body need sleep to function well, so don't stay up late!
4. The Morning of the Test
Did you know that you think better when you have a full stomach? So don't skip breakfast the morning of the test. Get to school early and do a ten-minute power study right before the test, so your brain is turned on and tuned up.
5. Test Time
Before the test begins, make sure you have everything you'll need - scratch paper, extra pencils, your calculator (if you're allowed to use it). Understand how the test is scored: Do you lose points for incorrect answers? Or is it better to make guesses when you're not sure of the answer? Read the instructions! You want to make sure you are marking answers correctly.
6. Manage Your Time
Scan through the test quickly before starting. Answering the easy questions first can be a time saver and a confidence builder. Plus, it saves more time in the end for you to focus on the hard stuff.
7. I'm Stuck!
Those tricky problems can knock you off balance. Don't get worried or frustrated. Reread the question to make sure you understand it, and then try to solve it the best way you know how. If you're still stuck, circle it and move on. You can come back to it later. What if you have no idea about the answer? Review your options and make the best guess you can, but only if you don't lose points for wrong answers.
8. Multiple-Choice Questions
The process of elimination can help you choose the correct answer in a multiple-choice question. Start by crossing off the answers that couldn't be right. Then spend your time focusing on the possible correct choices before selecting your answer.
9. Neatness Counts
If your 4s look like 9s, it could be a problem. Be sure that your writing is legible and that you erase your mistakes. For machine-scored tests, fill in the spaces carefully.
10. I'm Done!
Not so fast - when you complete the last item on the test, remember that you're not done yet. First, check the clock and go back to review your answers, making sure that you didn't make any careless mistakes (such as putting the right answer in the wrong place or skipping a question). Spend the last remaining minutes going over the hardest problems before you turn in your test.
Follow these test tips, and you'll know you did your best - congratulations!
1. Have a Positive Attitude
Approach the big test as you'd approach a giant jigsaw puzzle. It might be tough, but you can do it! A positive attitude goes a long way toward success.
2. Make a Plan
The week before the test, ask your teacher what the test is going to cover. Is it from the textbook only? Class notes? Can you use your calculator? If you've been absent, talk to friends about material you may have missed. Make a list of the most important topics to be covered and use that as a guide when you study. Circle items that you know will require extra time. Be sure to plan extra time to study the most challenging topics.
3. The Night Before
Cramming doesn't work. If you've followed a study plan, the night before the test you should do a quick review and get to bed early. Remember, your brain and body need sleep to function well, so don't stay up late!
4. The Morning of the Test
Did you know that you think better when you have a full stomach? So don't skip breakfast the morning of the test. Get to school early and do a ten-minute power study right before the test, so your brain is turned on and tuned up.
5. Test Time
Before the test begins, make sure you have everything you'll need - scratch paper, extra pencils, your calculator (if you're allowed to use it). Understand how the test is scored: Do you lose points for incorrect answers? Or is it better to make guesses when you're not sure of the answer? Read the instructions! You want to make sure you are marking answers correctly.
6. Manage Your Time
Scan through the test quickly before starting. Answering the easy questions first can be a time saver and a confidence builder. Plus, it saves more time in the end for you to focus on the hard stuff.
7. I'm Stuck!
Those tricky problems can knock you off balance. Don't get worried or frustrated. Reread the question to make sure you understand it, and then try to solve it the best way you know how. If you're still stuck, circle it and move on. You can come back to it later. What if you have no idea about the answer? Review your options and make the best guess you can, but only if you don't lose points for wrong answers.
8. Multiple-Choice Questions
The process of elimination can help you choose the correct answer in a multiple-choice question. Start by crossing off the answers that couldn't be right. Then spend your time focusing on the possible correct choices before selecting your answer.
9. Neatness Counts
If your 4s look like 9s, it could be a problem. Be sure that your writing is legible and that you erase your mistakes. For machine-scored tests, fill in the spaces carefully.
10. I'm Done!
Not so fast - when you complete the last item on the test, remember that you're not done yet. First, check the clock and go back to review your answers, making sure that you didn't make any careless mistakes (such as putting the right answer in the wrong place or skipping a question). Spend the last remaining minutes going over the hardest problems before you turn in your test.
Follow these test tips, and you'll know you did your best - congratulations!
Complex numbers A to Z [E-Book]

It is for the readers who seek to harness new techniques and to polish their mastery of the old ones. It is for somebody who made it their business to be solving problems on a regular basis. These readers will appreciate the scope of the methodological detail the authors of the book bring to their attention, they will appreciate the power of the methods and the intricacy of the problems
The book is a real treasure trove of nontrivial elementary key concepts and applications of complex numbers developed in a systematic manner with a focus on problem-solving techniques. Much of the book goes to geometric applications, of course, but there are also sections on polynomial equations, trigonometry, combinatorics.... Problems constitute an integral part of the book alongside theorems, lemmas and examples. The problems are embedded in the text throughout the book, partly as illustrations to the discussed concepts, partly as the testing grounds for the techniques just studied, but mostly I believe to emphasize the centrality of problem solving in the authors' world view.... The book is really about solving problems and developing tools that exploit properties of complex numbers.... The reader will find a good deal of elegant and simple sample problems and even a greater quantity of technically taxing ones. The book supplies many great tools to help solve those problems. As the techniques go, the book is truly From 'A to Z
Sunday, June 8, 2008
6 New IIT's and 700 seats added!
Admission to New IITs:
The Government of India has announced setting up of 8 more new IITs in the 11th plan. Admissions in the following six new IITs, subjected to the approval@ of the competent authority of the Govt. of India, is likely to take place during the counselling session of JEE 2008. To begin with, each new IIT will admit students in the B Tech programmes in three branches only and the corresponding course codes for filling choice sheet is given in the table below. The academic programmes at these new IITs will commence in July/August 2008. The curriculum and syllabus as well as the fee structure and other rules for the new IITs will be broadly same as that of the respective mentor IITs.
New IIT --- Mentor IIT
Courses offered* (course code)
IIT Gandhinagar ----- IIT Bombay
Chemical Engineering (N07), Electrical Engineering (N11), Mechanical Engineering (N24)
IIT Punjab---- IIT Delhi
Computer Science and Engineering (U10), Electrical Engineering (U11), Mechanical Engineering (U24)
IIT Patna----- IIT Guwahati
Computer Science and Engineering (P10), Electrical Engineering (P11), Mechanical Engineering (P24)
IIT Rajasthan----- IIT Kanpur
Computer Science and Engineering (J10), Electrical Engineering (J11), Mechanical Engineering (J24)
IIT Bhuvaneswar----- IIT Kharagpur
Civil Engineering (E09), Electrical Engineering (E11), Mechanical Engineering (E24)
IIT Hyderabad----- IIT Madras
Computer Science and Engineering (H10), Electrical Engineering(H11), Mechanical Engineering (H24)
*40 seats [20+11+6+3;(1)] are available in each course.
@ If for any unforeseen reason the start of any new IIT is delayed, admission to that IIT will not be taken up during counseling session of JEE 2008.
The first year classes for IIT Punjab, IIT Rajasthan and IIT Bhuvaneswar will be conducted at the campuses of the respective mentor IITs. In the second year, the students from the above three IITs will be shifted to their respective locations. Classes for other new IITs will be conducted in the cities where the new IITs are located.
IIT Patna
IIT Patna’s campus will be on the outskirts of Patna in a 600 acre campus. Classes will start in 2008 from a temporary campus in Navin Govt. Polytechnic, Patliputra Nagar, a posh area of Patna. The campus will have 45000 sq ft of space. Two hostels to house boys and girls are also available next to the academic area. Faculty from IIT Guwahati will take the classes. It is expected that all operations will shift to the main campus by July 2010.
IIT Rajasthan
The location of the new IIT in Rajasthan will be announced by the Government of India. In the meantime, IIT Kanpur would be acting as the mentor institute of IIT Rajasthan.. Till the required infrastructure comes up, the classes will be held at the IIT Kanpur campus, after which the students will be relocated to the place in Rajasthan where the new IIT gets established. The students taking admission to the new IIT Rajasthan, along with their parents, will be required to give an undertaking to this effect.
For the benefit of the aspiring applicants, further details of the academic programs and other procedures on IIT Rajasthan will be made available on the website of IIT Kanpur (www.iitk.ac.in/iitj) very soon. In the meantime, any queries can be made by sending e-mail to: iitj@iitk.ac.in or by calling at: (+91)-512-259-6244 (Tele-Fax).
IIT Gandhinagar
IIT Gandhinagar, in Gujarat, is one of the new IITs proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Gujarat is known for excellent infrastructure with thriving industries, prestigious academic and research institutes and an ambience which encourages entrepreneurship. IIT Bombay has been identified as the mentoring institution for the IIT in Gujarat. Till the campus of the new IIT in Gujarat gets established, the classes will be held within the premises of Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda, which is within the municipal limits of Gandhinagar. Students will be provided with residential and other facilities at a temporary location. The curriculum will be similar to that of IIT Bombay with some differences until the time the academic bodies of the new IIT is in place. Fee structure will be same as that of the mentoring Institute
IIT Bhuvaneswar
IIT Bhuvaneswar is one amongst the new IITs proposed by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. Its location will be intimated in due course and the academic programme will start from 24 July 2008 in the IIT Kharagpur campus. After completion of first year in IIT Kharagpur, the students will be shifted to new location where IIT Bhuvaneswar will be established. The first year fee structure will be same as that of IIT Kharagpur.
IIT Punjab
IIT Punjab is one of the new IITs proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Its location will be known in due course of time and the academic session 2008-2009 will start on July 23, 2008. The curriculum, course structure and syllabus for the first year courses will be broadly as per that at IIT Delhi. The first year fee structure will also be same as that at IIT Delhi. Classes will initially start at IIT Delhi campus, and subsequently the students will be relocated to its new location as soon as IIT Punjab is established. The students will have to move to the new place and they will not be accommodated at IIT Delhi campus; an undertaking to this effect will have to be given at the time of joining.
The Government of India has announced setting up of 8 more new IITs in the 11th plan. Admissions in the following six new IITs, subjected to the approval@ of the competent authority of the Govt. of India, is likely to take place during the counselling session of JEE 2008. To begin with, each new IIT will admit students in the B Tech programmes in three branches only and the corresponding course codes for filling choice sheet is given in the table below. The academic programmes at these new IITs will commence in July/August 2008. The curriculum and syllabus as well as the fee structure and other rules for the new IITs will be broadly same as that of the respective mentor IITs.
New IIT --- Mentor IIT
Courses offered* (course code)
IIT Gandhinagar ----- IIT Bombay
Chemical Engineering (N07), Electrical Engineering (N11), Mechanical Engineering (N24)
IIT Punjab---- IIT Delhi
Computer Science and Engineering (U10), Electrical Engineering (U11), Mechanical Engineering (U24)
IIT Patna----- IIT Guwahati
Computer Science and Engineering (P10), Electrical Engineering (P11), Mechanical Engineering (P24)
IIT Rajasthan----- IIT Kanpur
Computer Science and Engineering (J10), Electrical Engineering (J11), Mechanical Engineering (J24)
IIT Bhuvaneswar----- IIT Kharagpur
Civil Engineering (E09), Electrical Engineering (E11), Mechanical Engineering (E24)
IIT Hyderabad----- IIT Madras
Computer Science and Engineering (H10), Electrical Engineering(H11), Mechanical Engineering (H24)
*40 seats [20+11+6+3;(1)] are available in each course.
@ If for any unforeseen reason the start of any new IIT is delayed, admission to that IIT will not be taken up during counseling session of JEE 2008.
The first year classes for IIT Punjab, IIT Rajasthan and IIT Bhuvaneswar will be conducted at the campuses of the respective mentor IITs. In the second year, the students from the above three IITs will be shifted to their respective locations. Classes for other new IITs will be conducted in the cities where the new IITs are located.
IIT Patna
IIT Patna’s campus will be on the outskirts of Patna in a 600 acre campus. Classes will start in 2008 from a temporary campus in Navin Govt. Polytechnic, Patliputra Nagar, a posh area of Patna. The campus will have 45000 sq ft of space. Two hostels to house boys and girls are also available next to the academic area. Faculty from IIT Guwahati will take the classes. It is expected that all operations will shift to the main campus by July 2010.
IIT Rajasthan
The location of the new IIT in Rajasthan will be announced by the Government of India. In the meantime, IIT Kanpur would be acting as the mentor institute of IIT Rajasthan.. Till the required infrastructure comes up, the classes will be held at the IIT Kanpur campus, after which the students will be relocated to the place in Rajasthan where the new IIT gets established. The students taking admission to the new IIT Rajasthan, along with their parents, will be required to give an undertaking to this effect.
For the benefit of the aspiring applicants, further details of the academic programs and other procedures on IIT Rajasthan will be made available on the website of IIT Kanpur (www.iitk.ac.in/iitj) very soon. In the meantime, any queries can be made by sending e-mail to: iitj@iitk.ac.in or by calling at: (+91)-512-259-6244 (Tele-Fax).
IIT Gandhinagar
IIT Gandhinagar, in Gujarat, is one of the new IITs proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Gujarat is known for excellent infrastructure with thriving industries, prestigious academic and research institutes and an ambience which encourages entrepreneurship. IIT Bombay has been identified as the mentoring institution for the IIT in Gujarat. Till the campus of the new IIT in Gujarat gets established, the classes will be held within the premises of Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, Chandkheda, which is within the municipal limits of Gandhinagar. Students will be provided with residential and other facilities at a temporary location. The curriculum will be similar to that of IIT Bombay with some differences until the time the academic bodies of the new IIT is in place. Fee structure will be same as that of the mentoring Institute
IIT Bhuvaneswar
IIT Bhuvaneswar is one amongst the new IITs proposed by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. Its location will be intimated in due course and the academic programme will start from 24 July 2008 in the IIT Kharagpur campus. After completion of first year in IIT Kharagpur, the students will be shifted to new location where IIT Bhuvaneswar will be established. The first year fee structure will be same as that of IIT Kharagpur.
IIT Punjab
IIT Punjab is one of the new IITs proposed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Its location will be known in due course of time and the academic session 2008-2009 will start on July 23, 2008. The curriculum, course structure and syllabus for the first year courses will be broadly as per that at IIT Delhi. The first year fee structure will also be same as that at IIT Delhi. Classes will initially start at IIT Delhi campus, and subsequently the students will be relocated to its new location as soon as IIT Punjab is established. The students will have to move to the new place and they will not be accommodated at IIT Delhi campus; an undertaking to this effect will have to be given at the time of joining.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
NCERT Textbooks for Download! [Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics XI and XII]

Here are the textbooks for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics by NCERT. In the recent years, the pattern of IIT is gradually shifting towards the NCERT format. These textbooks come highly recommended from the point of view of building your concepts from level 1.
Download Books:
Physics XI
Physics XII
Chemistry XI
Chemistry XII
Maths XI
Maths XII
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