Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Download Complete Video Lectures on Classical Mechanics.

About Images
Professor Walter Lewin demonstrates that the period of a pendulum is independent of the mass hanging from the pendulum. This demonstration can be viewed on the video of Lecture 10.
Professor Lewin puts his life on the line in Lecture 11 by demonstrating his faith in the Conservation of Mechanical Energy.

About the Lectures
The 35 video lectures by Professor Lewin, were recorded on the MIT campus during the Fall of 1999. Prof. Lewin is well-known at MIT and beyond for his dynamic and engaging lecture style.Thisis a first-semester freshman physics class in Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory. In addition to the basic concepts of Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory, a variety of interesting topics are covered in this course: Binary Stars, Neutron Stars, Black Holes, Resonance Phenomena, Musical Instruments, Stellar Collapse, Supernovae, Astronomical observations from very high flying balloons (lecture 35), and you will be allowed a peek into the intriguing Quantum World.This lecture series can be very useful to aspirants of engineering exams like IIT-JEE and AIEEE.

Download Lectures. [Please note that the file size of each file is about 100 MB]

Powers of Ten - Units - Dimensions - Measurements - Uncertainties - Dimensional Analysis - Scaling Arguments

1D Kinematics - Speed - Velocity - Acceleration

Vectors - Dot Products - Cross Products - 3D Kinematics

3D Kinematics - Free Falling Reference Frames

Circular Motion - Centrifuges Moving - Reference Frames - Perceived Gravity

Newton's Laws

Weight - Perceived Gravity - Weightlessness Free Fall - Zero Gravity in Orbit (misnomer)


Exam Review

Hooke's Law - Springs - Simple Harmonic Motion - Pendulum - Small Angle Approximation

Work - Kinetic Energy - Potential Energy - Conservative Forces - Conservation of Mechanical Energy - Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

Non-Conservative Forces - Resistive Forces - Air Drag - Terminal Velocity

Potential Energy - Energy Considerations to Derive Simple Harmonic Motion

Escape Velocities - Bound and Unbound Orbits - Circular Orbits - Various Forms of Energy - Power

Momentum - Conservation of Momentum - Center of Mass

Collisions - Elastic and Inelastic - Center of Mass Frame of Reference

Impulse - Rockets

Exam Review

Rotating Rigid Bodies - Moment of Inertia - Parallel Axis and Perpendicular Axis Theorem - Rotational Kinetic Energy - Fly Wheels - Neutron Stars - Pulsars

Angular Momentum - Torques - Conservation of Angular Momentum - Spinning Neutron Stars - Stellar Collapse

Torques - Oscillating Bodies - Hoops

Kepler's Laws - Elliptical Orbits - Satellites - Change of Orbits - Ham Sandwich

Doppler Effect - Binary Stars - Neutron Stars and Black Holes (Optional)

Rolling Motion - Gyroscopes - VERY NON-INTUITIVE

Static Equilibrium - Stability - Rope Walker

Elasticity - Young's Modulus

Fluid Mechanics - Pascal's Principle - Hydrostatics - Atmospheric Pressure - Over Pressure in Lungs and Tires

Hydrostatics - Archimedes' Principle - Fluid Dynamics - What Makes Your Boat Float? - Bernoulli's Equation

Exam Review

Simple Harmonic Oscillations - Energy Considerations - Torsional Pendulum

Forced Oscillations - Normal Modes - Resonance - Natural Frequencies - Musical Instruments

Heat - Thermal Expansion

Kinetic Gas Theory - Ideal Gas Law - Isothermal Atmosphere - Phase Diagrams - Phase Transitions

The Wonderful Quantum World - Breakdown of Classical Mechanics (Optional)

Farewell Special - High-energy Astrophysics (Optional)

Please let me know if there is anything wrong with the links. Special thanks to the guys at MIT OpenCourseWare.

Cannot View Videos? Dont Worry! Click here for VLC Media Player


  1. Plz i m in a big trouble . i have downloaded 5-6 video lectures but there is no way i can save them on my computer. it says that you should have a Quicktime 7 Pro...which is not available on me or else this wonderful download would go in waste...

  2. Dont worry.. It is not necessary to have quick time Pro on your PC
    Use VLC media player it [a small file] run the setup and
    then go to the files u downloaded, right click them, select open program with and then choose VLC media player from the list...
    Let me know if that helped

  3. i want the second part of this plzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!1

  4. The complete classical mechanics course is right here on this website! Please tell me what do you want!

  5. tis is nize :)
    many thx for this :)

  6. I wnt to whether these are the only lectures to sudy for iit and nothing else.
    But these are only lectures for physics and what about chemistry and maths.

  7. Currently there are no Chemistry or Maths lectures available for Download. However you can request for streaming videos on any topic you desire. These are Physics lectures, so they can be used wherever Physics is used.

  8. I am not able to download these vedios. Please, tell me how to download it
