Monday, January 21, 2008

Four Programs you didnt know existed on your computer.

Most of us are very familiar with Windows XP and have explored almost all the programs that come default with XP. Here are four programs you most probably didn’t know existed on your computer.

Private Character Editor
There is an accessory program called the Private Character Editor included with Windows XP that is quite obscure and little-known. It is used in conjunction with the Character Map and provides a way to create your own fonts or logos.

How to open
To open the program, go to Start-Run and enter eudcedit



IExpress is a technology designed to simplify creation of a setup program. Using the step-by-step IExpress Wizard, you can create self-extracting files that automatically run the setup program contained inside. IExpress technology automatically removes the setup files after installation, saving the user time and frustration. So now you know how to create your own installers !

How to open
To open the program, go to Start-Run and enter iexpress

Dr. WatsonDr. Watson for Windows is a program error debugger. The information obtained and logged by Dr. Watson is the information needed by technical support groups to diagnose a program error for a computer running Windows. A text file (Drwtsn32.log) is created whenever an error is detected or a program crashes, and can be delivered to support personnel by the method they prefer. You also have the option of creating a crash dump file, which is a binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger.

How to open
To open the program, go to Start-Run and enter drwtsn32

Media Player 5.1

Yes Media Player 5. You probably have Windows Media PLayer 10 or 11 installed but the fact is even if you upgrade your media player, version 5.1 will remain on your system.

How to open
To open the program, go to Start-Run and enter mplay32


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