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Please check the earlier post. I have added some more Locus quizzes to it.
Destination IIT is a blog created to help you provide information and help to secure admission into one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Featuring study material,study aids,interviews by IIT Toppers, this Webpage will offer you in depth information on all you want to know about IIT and techniques for acing JEE! If you want to be notified of site updates, you can choose to subscribe through a reader or through e-mail!
What is it that makes 3 letter word, a matter of life & death. When a student is just having the time of his life, beginning to enjoy the last 3 years of school, at the same time he is burdened with the thoughts of being an IITian. Sometimes, the thoughts come from within and mostly from the pressure of his family.
Does a 16 year old child give up everything & devote himself only to become an IITian?? I see a boy named Sam with a pair of thick glasses who keeps himself locked in a room and is seen out is when he is hungry. I get excited each time the door bell rings or the phone trings. But this boy runs back to the room & prays to God, “Please not my friends again”, he is scared to go out & play. He believes a football or for that matter any game will act as a force, that is bound to distract, from achieving his goal. I felt really sad for him, he needed some change, he was not like others. I thought he is little abnormal. How a simple game or simple outing can deviate a person’s thought. I could never imagine a person giving up everything for a goal. Later, that evening I discussed this matter with an experienced person, he evaluated everything, then expressed his thoughts, and said. It is good to have a goal, a vision. Until & unless, you don’t have a goal in life the purpose of life fails. The boy is quiet clever to having set a goal at an early age. This 5 minutes conversation changed my way of perceiving things, earlier I use to make fun of little kids, who use to say I want to fly a plane, & would run away with a paper plane or a kid with a screw-diver & claim themselves as super engineers, but with the change in my perception, I realized, if you really wish for something, it is bound to fall under your umbrella, Thinking of being an IITian is not impossible or tough. A single thought of becoming big, introduces you to a life which has a goal, a purpose to live for. Now, when I look at Sam.
I truly appreciate his efforts. The best part about IIT or any competitive exam is, it teaches discipline, even if you don’t get through it, the time of preparation, is whole lot of learning experience. Do not just value the end result, work hard, stay focused as nothing stands in front of a willing heart & strong determination.
By now, I'm sure you have read about different careers, explored some of your options and have some clarity on the way forward. NO?
Well, then that’s what where I come in; She is your resident career analyst Tunvey Gogia with Topper. Unofficially you can consider her your guide, friend or even sounding board (feel free to bounce off your thoughts, ideas, aspirations and confusions on career-related choices right here on the site). She will try to help make this process easier.
Check out her video:-
Look through all the three parts it would be helpful for those who have taken Science this year.
He topped IIT-JEE, flunked Class XII! |
A couple of years back I anchored a talk show on television — on the concerns and issues of young people. On one of the shows we featured a student who was amongst the toppers of IIT-JEE. But ironically he failed to pass his CBSE Class XII board exam.
It was shocking! It was sad!
During our discussion he pointed out that he had taken the boards for granted and had assumed that if he studied hard enough for the IIT-JEE then Class XII papers would be a cakewalk.
It proved to be an expensive assumption for him BUT he is not alone in his confusion. This is one dilemma faced by lakhs of students in India. Some even decided to drop a year to prepare for entrance exams and the college of their choice. But we can debate the value of this another day.
Top question for NOW: How do you effectively balance study time between board exams and entrance exams?
1. Realise that they are both different types of exams even though the course might seem similar at first glance. The boards in many ways test your ability to memorise and various entrance exams on the other hand test the depth and extent of your knowledge. Don’t take for granted that by studying for entrance exams you will automatically cover the course for your board exams!
2. Now that we have established that both sets of exams need different skills and obviously different study techniques, the next big thing is the TIME factor! Plan your day and set aside time for both sets of courses. You can always give more time to the areas you are not so confident about. Time management is really the key to achieving success not just in exams but in life as well!
3. Believe me when I say that you can have sufficient time to study as well as chill if you plan well and DON’T waste your time! Most of us fritter away precious time — sometimes by neither studying nor relaxing…and mostly by spending unproductive time on the net! So, quit Facebook or surfing the net aimlessly for hours. Instead, put aside a limited time for the internet…and stick to it!!
4. Some other things that you can try are studying the same topic for boards and following it with a similar one for your entrance exam; it helps to reinforce your learning.
5. Follow board exam trends; it helps you to fine-tune your learning. Top things to do: Take mock papers, solved board exam papers, quick MCQ tests.
Hope your exams are going well :)…till next time.