Sunday, May 31, 2009

BBC Documentary on IIT

Many of you preparing for JEE-2011 are starting their preparation now. To begin your preparation in high spirits, here is a very inspiring and motivating documentary.

Tests on Capacitors.

Download two separate tests on Capacitors.(Provided on request by Saiyam)

Part I
Part II

Answers are not provided, however the answer to any particular problem can be individually discussed here is possible.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What to do before Counselling?

With the results of IIT-JEE 2009 declared, the time for counseling and allotment of different Courses and Streams in the IIT's has arrived. It is very necessary that you know what is the present scenario and the different courses you stand a chance to get in the various IIT's if you have secured a decent All India Rank.
This post will help you know which are the various options available to you according to your All India Rank. Those who have not attempted JEE can also benefit by knowing what AIR they must secure to get into their preferred stream or Branch.

Step I
Go to the JEE website here and see a list of the various courses offered according to your AIR and your category (Open/Reserved)
The name of the courses is written in a Code.
B stands for IIT Bombay
D stands for IIT Delhi
E stands for IIT Bhubaneshwar
G stands for IIT Kharagpur
H stands for IIT Hyderabad
J stands for IIT Japiur
K stands for IIT Kanpur
M stands for IIT Madras
N stands for IIT Gandhinagar
P stands for IIT Patna
R stands for IIT Roorkee
S stands for ISM-Dhanbad
V stands for IT-BHU
U stands for IIT Punjab
W stands for IIT Guwahati.

The meaning of the number given beside the alphabet is made clear in the next step.
Step II

Download the JEE-09 brochure
The Brochure contains a complete list of the various courses offered by the IIT's. The number in the above list beside the alphabet stands for the course offered. To know the course offered for a particular number say 43, count the 43rd Course that appears on the brochure. Thus something like U10 stands for Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Punjab.

Step III
See the closing rank of all the courses and select those for which your AIR is better than the previous year's Closing Rank. Write down the name of the courses on a piece of Paper after comparing the code with the Brochure.

Thus after finishing, you will have a list of all the Courses you stand a good chance of getting in all the IIT's , IT-BHU and ISM Dhanbad.
This list is also helpful for those who are going to attempt JEE in the future and want to know what rank they must get for a particular stream in a particular IIT eg: Electrical Engg in IIT Bombay.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dual Degree in BITS

This post is meant for all the aspirants who’d like to know more about the MSc. Courses at BITS Pilani(Pilani , Goa , Hyderabad Campuses) and the Dual Degree Scheme .

Q.1)What are these MSc. Courses?

A.1)MSc. Courses are Science-based courses , similar to that offerred in other Institutions.

In BITS they are of 2 types :

1)MSc.(Hons) in P , C , M ,Eco ,Bio
2)MSc.(Tech) in Information Systems , Finance , Gen. Stu , Engg Tech

Q.2)What is this Dual Degree Scheme?

A.2) All MSc. (Hons) (and not Tech) will get an assured BE Degree , alloted to them at the end of the 1st year , based on their CGPA for 1st year.

Q.3)Is it tough to get a good dual?

A.3) Not at all.For a CS or EEE , you need an above average CGPA , while Mech./Chem/Civil can be got at lower CGPAs too.But you will get some BE Dual assured .

Q.4)So what Degrees do I pass out with?

A.4)You get a BE and an Integrated Msc and you spend 5 years.Integ MSc. basically is BSc + MSc combined ,and it can be done by a 12th pass student.Time duration for it is 4 yrs(without a Dual).

Q.5)So , you basically waste another year?

A.5)Thats a bad way of saying it.

You get another degree from BITS , and you get 2 Practice Schools(i.e. 1 year).So basically you spend that extra year working.This is imp for PS2 Placements(Check my Practice School Post )

And that MSc. does help when applying abroad.

Q.6)Then why are the cutoffs low?

A.6)Because most people are uninformed and don’t have a clue about the Dual Degree Scheme.But then again , no other insti in India offers this , so such flexibilities are rare in India.

I think aspirants and their advisors(parents , friends etc.) are to be blamed for this.THERE IS NO “SHAME” INVOLVED IN TAKING AN MSc. AND A B.E. DUAL .THOSE WHO THINK THIS WAY ARE FOOLS.

Q.7)Do you get separate Degrees?

A.7)Yes , they are absolutely separate.

Q.8)What other such schemes are there at BITS?

A.8)Based on your 1st Year CGPA ,

1)Vertical Transfers:If you are in the Top 30 students in any of the Campuses , you can leave your old course(MSc. or BE) and take a new course(MSc. or BE).Time taken = 4 years

2)BE + BE: Offerred to only Top 10 students in each campus.Pref choices incl. Mech + EnI , CS + EEE.Time = 5yrs , 2PS2s

3)MSc. + MSc.:Offerred at lower CGPAs.Very rare.Preferred incl. MSc.Phy + MSc.Maths(5yrs)

4)MSc.(Tech) + BE Dual :rare , offerred to only very high CGPA people.(5yrs)

Based on BITSAT Marks and vacancies

1)Campus Transfers:Very rare , not advisable to join a campus thinking you can get out later.Basically it happens at the end of 1st sem.Your BITSAT marks only matter. Along with 2nd sem admission ppl , all BITSAT Marks are arranged in descending order and seats(based on vacancies , usually in Chemical and Bio Sci , Pharma) are alloted.

Q.9)Isn’t this tough?


Remember that for 1st year ALL students in BITS do exactly the same courses , so getting a Dual through MSc. Chem is same as for MSc. Phy .

2nd year , most courses are the same .

3rd year , BE students will do their Core Courses for their BE Degree.MSc ppl will do for their MSc.

4th yr , BE Students will go for PS2(1 sem) and will do a few extra courses in the other sem(Very light sem).MSc. ppl will do their Dual Degree Core Courses.

5th yr BE students will have passed out.MSc. students will now go for PS2 for 2 sems.

Q.10)Which MSc + BE Combos are the best?(Like MSc. Phy + EEE , MSc Chem + Chemical ... )


Choose your MSc. depending on the subject you like the most and/or you are good at.In my Myths abt Engg post I have discussed why.

And there is a trend for ppl to choose MSc. Phy much above Msc. Bio Sci.Frankly this is silly.MSc. Bio Sci is basically Bio Engg and is quite interesting.Many students from other MScs tried for an MSc Bio(at the end of their 1st yr) , out of which very few were given.So , don’t fall into the trap of choosing Phy because it sounds glamourous. In reality it is very tough and only those genuinely excellent at it will enjoy it.

And don’t bother about Placements.Your BE degree will ensure this.Choose your MSc. out of ineterest.MSc. will help you greatly in applying abroad(assuming you have actually done something worthwhile in your MSc. field).

Q.11)How is MSc. at BITS differrent from that in the IITs?


-No Dual Degree is given in the IITs
-In IITs it is for 5 years

- Rahul Sengupta

Schaum's Outline College Physics.

Built for quick, effective study, this Easy Outline packs exciting new learning tools that make mastering college physics fast, fun--and almost automatic.
Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series for the student with limited time What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.

Contains following chapters:
Newtonian Mechanics
Density, elasticity, fluids
Heat, Temprature, Thermodynamics
Electricity and Magnetism
Light and Geometrical Optics.


Monday, May 25, 2009

900 questions in Inorganic Chemistry.

Here are 900 questions in Inorganic Chemistry along with the answers. Ideal for students looking for some practice like IITaspi.

Locus Notes for Chemistry.

These are a set of high quality notes prepared specifically for JEE aspirants by Locus Education. I have used these notes during my JEE preparation and can vouch for their quality. These notes used to be available for free download on their site but have been recently removed for some reason. Fear not since I have most of them with me.
"Knowledge Shared is Power"
Hence I am posting these notes.

Atomic Structure

Basics of Chemistry I
Basics of Chemistry II
Chemical Kinetics I
Chemical Kinetics II

Unfortunately these are the only Locus notes for Chemistry available.

Schaum Easy Outlines : Physics.

Built for quick, effective study, this Easy Outline packs exciting new learning tools that make mastering college physics fast, fun--and almost automatic.
Boiled-down essentials of the top-selling Schaum's Outline series for the student with limited time What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give students quick pointers to the essentials.

- Designed to appeal to underprepared students and readers turned off by dense text

- Cartoons, sidebars, icons, and other graphic pointers get the material across fast

- Concise text focuses on the essence of the subject

- Delivers expert help from teachers who are authorities in their fields

- Perfect for last-minute test preparation

- So small and light that they fit in a backpack! (A pendrive actually)
Click on Expand Post.

Modern Physics
Electric Circuits

Note: Not everything may be relevant with respect to JEE Preparation. Choose topics wisely to save time and effort.

IIT JEE 2009 Results Declared- Nitin Jain is the topper.

It is the D-day for all the IIT aspirants out there. The results of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-2009) for admissions to undergraduate courses in the fifteen IITs, IT-BHU and ISMU Dhanbad have been declared.

Results can be checked on the official IIT JEE websites that are mentioned below. Unfortunately, the website seems to be down because of heavy traffic. Hope the web administrators learn a lesson and build light versions of the websites for times like this.

A total of 3.85 lakh candidates appeared in JEE-2009 which was conducted by seven of the IITs on April 12. Out of them 10,035 candidates have been declared qualified to seek admission for 8,295 seats in the IITs at Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Mandi (H.P.), Patna, Punjab, Rajasthan and Roorkee, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISMU Dhanbad.

According to the press note, Nitin Jain (Reg. No. 2076372) who appeared in JEE from IIT Delhi zone has topped this year's All India list of successful candidates.

This year 98,028 girls attempted JEE and 1048 of them qualified. Kritika Singh (Reg. No. 4060357) who appeared in JEE in IIT Kanpur zone with an All India Rank (AIR) 56 topped the list of girl candidates. Also 7 candidates out of 176 candidates who wrote JEE examination from the only overseas centre Dubai have qualified.

All Institutes having admissions through JEE, admit OBC/SC/ST students with relaxed criteria. This year, out of 104045 OBC candidates who wrote JEE, 1930 have qualified. Similarly, out of 36117 SC candidates 967 have qualified, out of 12484 ST candidates 208 have qualified. Gopi Sivakanth (Regn. No. 6004088) with AIR 3 in the common merit list, Mukul Singh (Regn. No. 1128302), AIR 220 in the common merit list and Kirtesh Meena (1168033), AIR 281 in the common merit list are the toppers of the OBC, SC and ST candidates, respectively. Candidates with physical disabilities (PD) will be granted admission through JEE-2009 with same relaxed norms as they are for SC/ST candidates. This year, 138 PD candidates have qualified under these norms.

Counselling for admissions will be made to all these candidates during 9th June to 16th June, 2009. Course allocations to the successful candidates will be declared on Wednesday, the 24th June, 2009.

All IITs, IT-BHU Varanasi and ISMU Dhanbad will also conduct a one-year Preparatory Course for SC/ST/PD students who do not make it to the common or reserved category merit lists. This year, 473 SC candidates, 641 ST candidates and 170 PD candidates have qualified for the Preparatory Course.

The result of JEE-2009 may be accessed from all IIT websites, and through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) and Short Message Service (SMS) specially set up for this purpose. The zonal results are displayed in the respective IITs.

An extended merit list, category-wise, has also been drawn to facilitate admissions to other Govt. of India Institutions and the same has been displayed on websites. Students on this list may be counselled by the Indian Institute of Space-Science Technology (IIST), Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs), Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT) and Indian Institute of Maritime Studies (formerly DG Shipping).

PS: I (The blogger) got AIR 2761

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Locus Education Notes Physics

These are a set of high quality notes prepared specifically for JEE aspirants by Locus Education. I have used these notes during my JEE preparation and can vouch for their quality. These notes used to be available for free download on their site but have been recently removed for some reason. Fear not since I have most of them with me.
"Knowledge Shared is Power"
Hence I am posting these notes.

Center of Mass
Circular Motion


Newton's laws
Rotational Motion Part A
Rotational Motion Part B
Thermodynamics Part I

Thermodynamics Part II
Thermodynamics Part III
Work, Power and Energy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

LocusEducation Notes Maths.

These are a set of high quality notes prepared specifically for JEE aspirants by Locus Education. I have used these notes during my JEE preparation and can vouch for their quality. These notes used to be available for free download on their site but have been recently removed for some reason. Fear not since I have most of them with me.
"Knowledge Shared is Power"
Hence I am posting these notes.

Application of Derivatives
Areas and Volumes
Complex Numbers
Continuity and Differentiability
Definite Integration
Differential Equations
Functions Part I
Functions Part II (Graphs-Highly Recommended)
Functions Part III
Indefinite Integration
Integration Basics
Permutation and Combinations
Quadratic Equations
Straight Lines
Vectors and 3-D Geometry

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solutions to Concepts of Physics by HC Verma

HCV Concept's of Physics as everyone knows is the most important book for Physics for the students preparing for IIT-JEE, AIEEE and other high level engineering entrance exams.
So, if you have any trouble solving it, just download the solutions.

Download Solutions to HC Verma